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Elon Musk的读后感10篇

2017-12-01 22:41:43 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

Elon Musk的读后感10篇

  《Elon Musk》是一本由Ashlee Vance著作,Ecco出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 28.99,页数:400,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Elon Musk》读后感(一):Notes

Eventually, even this wasn’t enough, and the brokerage firms began to sell their dark pool access to HFTs after all. This allowed the HFTs to spot big, juicy orders in the dark pool and once again rush to public exchanges in preparation for them.
Elon Musk is an exceptional man. Ambitious, passionate and driven, he never takes no for an answer. His deep concern for humanity’s survival is coupled with a large ego and difficult personality. No matter what others think of him, Elon Musk has propelled sustainable technology to astonishing new heights,

  《Elon Musk》读后感(二):几点总结

1. Genius. 不折不扣的天才。拥有eidetic memory以及百科全书式的知识,四年级看完图书馆所有书,让管理员为他订新书。很多地方Sheldon很像,简直真人版Sheldon.
2. Intensity. 做很多事情都带着超乎常人多倍的热情
3. Family. 受外公和祖母影响较大。外公一家浪漫至极,喜欢探险,热爱飞行。从加拿大搬去南非,开飞机在南非上空转一圈,寻找合适的居住地。教育方式非常棒。"We were left with the impression that we were capable of anything." 祖母很有事业心。或许可以解释Elon Musk为何能将技术和商业结合地那么好。
4. Diver. 潜水者,而非浮于表面的人。电动汽车、太阳能、火箭,是大学就在思考的领域。他想让世界知道,他有别于硅谷的企业家,他所做的事情并非追随潮流,而是追随心中所想。
5. Responsibility. Elon Musk喜欢玩电子游戏,可是自己反思,即使在此方面做得再好,对人类又有何贡献呢?他希望做的东西能对人类的未来有帮助。
6. Women. 和Sheldon不同的一点。嗯。
后面几章:(Tesla, SpaceX.....)
1. Disappointing. 美国的航天多不尽如人意,成本高,被俄国和中国赶超。美国的汽车行业多不尽如人意,广告不够吸引人,一点都不酷。美国的能源行业多不尽人意。
2. Impossible. 要求员工做的事情都是"不可能"的。
3. Low Cost. 自己制作所有部件,完成所有工序,不外包。同时飞船可重复利用。
4. Deadline. 总是把deadline订的很近,总是延期。
5. PR. 总能将公关危机转化成利于自己的契机。
6. Talent. 能够吸引这个行业最优秀的人才。不能抗高压的很快就离开或是被开了。同时对员工没有人情味,为他卖命几年说开就开。

  《Elon Musk》读后感(三):The Man that Changes the World

Elon Musk is a guy that suffers fools badly and can not empathizes pretty well with his surroundings. But he is possessed with such grand visions that few human beings on Earth can match. I don't quite get to know how he views people and the world around him just by reading this book. But I would love to pay my highest tribute to him. Here is a man that is committed to the overall progressing of human kind. But of course, much of the inner drive may just come from his deep-seated desire to grab attention from others, a desired formed in his early unusual childhood.
Some interesting excerpts from the book.
Maye(Elon's mother) tells the story of Elon playing outside one night with his siblings and cousins. When one of them complained of being frightened by the dark. Elon pointed that "dark is merely the absense of light."
cherry-pick the best guys (公司)挖人
Musk did open up to a couple of close friends and expressed the depth of his misery. But for the most part, Justine read her husband right. He didn't see the value grieving publicly. "It made me extremely sad to talk about it," Musk said. "I'm not sure why I'd want to talk about extremely sad events. It does no good for the future. If you'v got other kids and obligations, then wallowing in sadness does no good for anyone around you. I'm not sure what should be done in such situations."
Her greatest gift, though, may have been reading Musk' moods. At both SpaceX and Tesla, Brown placed her desk a few feet in front of Musk's, so that people had to pass her before having a meeting with him. If someone needed to request permission to but a big-ticket item, they would stop for a moment in front of Brown and wait for a nod to go see Musk or the shake-off to go away because Musk was having a bad day.(later, Brown was fired, sadly.)
I would like to die on Mars, but not on impact.

  《Elon Musk》读后感(四):他看得比我们远

Elon Musk
We tend to reckon Elon Musk as a legendary figure, or put it in a more fashionable words, the closest version of Tony Stark. He has three golden brands: Space X, Tesla and Solar City, all of which are like grown out from science fictions.
1/ What one can do is early unveiled in one's juvenile period.
 “I really like computer games, but then if I made really great computer games, how much effect would that have on the world,” he said. “It wouldn’t have a big effect. Even though I have an intrinsic love of video games, I couldn’t bring myself to do that as a career.”
In University of Penn, Musk wrote a paper titled "The Importance of Being Solar", a second paper about electronic scanning of books and documents and a third paper dwelled on ultracapacitors. How inspiring it is to manage to turn one's academic paper into reality! It is also true that only years of knowledge storage and abundant preparation can make you live up to your ambition. Chances come to those with preparation.
2/ Musk's acrid style of management reminds me of my bosses. Musk is 100% a workaholic, saying "vacation will kill you" and in faith of "Do or die but don't give up". Musk place the same strictness on his employees.
Employees once said,
After we presented the plan, he said, ‘Okay, thanks.’ Everyone was like, ‘Holy shit, he didn’t fire you.’”
Maybe someone has to sacrifice some sparkles of humanity so as to gain the utmost advantages of entrepreneurial success. In the case of Elon Musk, he becomes aloof from families, and excessively harsh on employees and partners.
 “Elon’s worst trait by far, in my opinion, is a complete lack of loyalty or human connection,” said one former employee.
3/ Success is about will and perseverance. The dismissal from Paypal, the overwhelming public pressure for Tesla, countless launching failures in Space X didn't take Elon Musk down. It is all these failures that bring along the legendary business.
Electric cars have become strategic motion nowadays, redefining our daily transportation and the structure of all energy kinds. Elon Musk not only spends effort on the engineering of battery, assembly, vehicle safety and other production concerns, but also work hard on the complete new concept of car. The same ambition can also go to Space X.
 “Then came this profound moment where we were reminded that building the car was not about getting to an IPO or selling it to a bunch of rich dudes but because it might change what a car is.”
 Tesla had transformed the car into a gadget—a device that actually got better after you bought it.

  《Elon Musk》读后感(五):"Take it down to the physics."

It was very interesting when I was reading the last chapter of this book, I was at a hotel on Stark Street. Throughout the book, the author mentioned so many times of Tony Stark. But Elon Musk ain't Tony Stark. Like Mary Beth Brown ain't Pepper Potts. Elon seems to be a little bit surreal at the beginning of the book - he had a photographic memory with a compulsion to read. He turned to a walking encyclopedia when he was kid and of course he was bullied at school. It is very impressive and inspiring to see how Elon bring his vision into real world - Jobs did that two industries and Elon did that to three - the aerospace, the automotive and the solar - this even excludes his early start-ups like X.com which was revolutionary for banking industry. He unpended the decades of criticisms considering him arrogant and amateurish. He is unwilling to comprise his long-term goal and always push the class A team to the limit. As the book said, "he's a physicist at heart and engineer by demeanor".

  《Elon Musk》读后感(六):多看看世界总是好的

这是本信息量巨大的好看的书,值得思考的点超多,作为一个非IT,非创业,最讨厌理工科,最爱机器猫的伪文艺青年,我居然在读这本书时找到了读冒险小说般的刺激兴奋感....作为特斯拉和SpaceX老板的埃隆马斯克现在已算是朋友圈转发文章最热一了,哦,还有他妈。但几年前当一朋友聊天时用那种充满梦想激情的语气提到太空提到SpaceX和埃隆马斯克时候,我内心只翻着白眼叨叨”什么鬼….” 于是一本我早已知道的书拖了很久才在2015年底开始读,一读起来便好想扇醒几年前无知的自己。边读边开始检讨自己为何如此无知。当我发现在埃隆马斯克看《大英百科全书》《银河系漫游指南》的年纪时,我的最爱是《地道战》《地雷战》;更当我今年初参观了华盛顿的航天航空博物馆,硅谷的计算机历史博物馆后,回想了下童年时去阴森沉闷的首都某博物馆的经历..…..我有些明白了为何自己从小的梦想是当女特工,而埃隆马斯克的从小梦想就是太空。我们所阅读的东西,所接触到的环境决定了我们的想法,就像和菜头在他公众号文章中曾写“Elon Musk在抵御重力,你为什么把人生浪费在所谓的抵御LowB上?” 虽然我以后也不会去抵御重力,但多读读书多看看其他世界总是好的。至少这样当别人给你说马斯克他妈有多酷的时候,可以轻轻一笑说,哦,他祖父母更酷呢。

  《Elon Musk》读后感(七):好像买一辆Model S啊

这两家公司的成立都可以用书中的一句话来总结:Hopefully that coupled with some effort and smarts are enough! 一群聪明的人聚在一起,为了一件有趣的事情,为了一件别人没有做过的事情,而努力。这两家公司都几乎走到了破产的边缘,Musk甚至在Tesla的账户上只有几周运营资金的时候,跑去找Google的Page,希望Page能够买下Tesla,因为Musk认为只有Page愿意继续Tesla的未竟事业——制造出massive-market electric cars,而不是将Tesla看成是锂电池的生产商而已。SpaceX是由于前3次 Falcon 1试飞的失败,而导致资金链极度紧张,第四次虽然成功了,但是公司却难以为继了。也许是命运的安排,Tesla和SpaceX都成功度过了难关。Tesla由于公司员工的破釜沉舟,成功推销出去了自己Model S;而SpaceX则拿到了政府的贷款和NASA的合同。尤其是SpaceX,当时美国与俄罗斯关系恶化,而美国又不得不依赖俄国给国际空间站运输货物和人员,因此美国迫切希望自己能够独立承担运输任务,以摆脱对俄罗斯的依赖。SpaceX可谓是恰当时候啊!
书中给自己留下印象最深的是,SpaceX的试飞。一帮高智商、高学历的人,不顾坐船之辛苦,不过天气之炎热,居然有的时候,食物还短缺,呆在沙漠里,建设发射场和组装Falcon。一想到,一帮非常聪明的年轻人,聚在篝火旁,旁边是自己的帐篷,远处耸立着发射架和Falcon 1,头顶上是璀璨的星空,自己就万分激动啊!
1. 航空业已经许多年没有进步了,人类登上月球已经是四五十年前的事情了,而这四五十年内,航空业则几乎没有任何进步。发射成本越来越高,发射技术则几乎没有前进。人类似乎失去了继续探索宇宙,探索未知的好奇心和动力。
2. 汽车行业的进步同样如此缓慢,这个有上百年历史的行业,关注的更多只是如何增加车内空间,如何更加省油,如何造出优美的外观,却从来没有想过革新汽车的核心——动力装置。
3. 航空业和汽车业这些行业里面都是大公司和政府在主导,他们几乎不可能突破自己,能够搅动这潭死水的只能是外来的搅局者。正所谓光脚的不怕穿鞋的,“无产阶级”具有无所畏惧的勇气,他们因为一切从头开始,便天然的具有了破除一切束缚的天性。
看完这本书,真的想买一辆Model S啊,可惜木有钱啊。。。

  《Elon Musk》读后感(八):时来天地皆同力

这本书的文笔其实挺一般的。读的时候在想,Musk和前些日子读的《Brazillionaires》里的巴西大亨Eike Batista有什么不同呢?后者可能没有创造新的东西,负债过高,并且由于巴西的政商环境其业务发展中总有一些灰色的东西,但在雄心勃勃、不断追求新的目标、同时做好几个企业并且常常夸大其辞、树立偶像形象方面,他和Musk有不少共同之处。当然Batista生处巴西的大环境和大宗商品的周期之中,成也快败也快,而美国科技投资仍在热火朝天之中。《The Crowd》里说,人的影响力很大一部分来自prestige,但prestige需要由成功作为支撑。一旦失败,prestige也很快就会消失。而群氓们更是会对没落英雄落井下石,进行报复。如今的Musk已经成为celebrity,大众都需要在科技领域有这么一个偶像来提供一种幻觉,这种幻觉也支撑了特斯拉等公司的股价。这对于创新来讲是一件好事,但不知能否持续。

书中提到Musk早期在Nova Scotia银行实习的经历很有意思。当时Musk分析了南美Brandy债之后认为这是一个很好的捡钱的机会,但银行的高管却无人支持,因为所有的银行都是在抄袭别人的做法,人云亦云。用Musk的话说,就是如果所有人都跳下悬崖,那你也跟着跳下悬崖就对了。这段经历让Musk对银行非常厌恶。像商业银行那样的官僚机构,高管们更多地是在玩政治,想让他们冒险支持逆向投资,怎么可能呢?

  《Elon Musk》读后感(九):Crazy

‘Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future’ by Ashlee Vance
Google的Larry Page说过 ’Good ideas are always crazy until they are not’。 Elon Mask的最终想法不是制造廉价火箭和电动汽车,而是殖民火星和改变人类的能源利用方式.现在大多数人还充满疑问这个人是不是疯了,(Elon时常也在问自己这个问题), 更不用说2002年他开始创造SpaceX和Tesla的时候了.
这本书更多的是SpaceX和Tesla的创业史,而不是Elon的传记. SpaceX从2002年白手起家,2004年研制成功火箭发动机, 2005年尝试发射火箭,经历三次发射失败终于在2008年9月首次成功发射Falcon 1. 与美国传统火箭制造商的零件外包形式不同, SpaceX选择了更难走的路,自制了80%的部件, 许多零件的自制成本只是外包价格的十分之一,众多的创新使得SpaceX能以低廉的价格打破垄断,在美国火箭市场打败波音等老牌制造商,在世界市场可以和中国抗衡。Tesla的故事也同样疯狂,上一个美国汽车行业的startup还是1925年的Chrysler,而一个只有几年软件行业经验的年轻人闯入巨头的领地,探索未知的技术,从蹩脚的电动车原型,到抢眼的电动跑车,和今天看到的人人心动的家庭轿车和SUV,以及试图覆盖全美的超级充电站,最终一步步地成就一个巨大的行业,这已经无法用远见和执着来解释了。
Elon Mask外表象程序员一样羞涩谦逊,但实际上作风高调傲慢,内心深处希望成为摇滚巨星一样的大众焦点。他的光环掩盖了的火箭专家Tom Mueller和电池专家J.B Straubel的伟大成就,以及上万名每周工作70个小时的SpaceX和Tesla的员工努力。他一意孤行和严重缺乏同理心的强硬管理风格也充满了争议,他总是不断地要求员工突破着自己的极限,无数人和他意见不和或无法适应他的高压离开了公司。但也许只有这样的强人才能多次成功摆脱耗光现金濒临破产的险境,同时带领两个初创公司颠覆高度垄断的市场。
这个时代发生在科技领域的传奇故事让人眼花缭乱,然而我们总是作为一个遥远的旁观者。阅读和了解SpaceX和Telsa的创业故事,不论是Elon Musk的崇拜者还是未来的敌人,不论是白手起家的创业者还是被束缚住手脚的大公司管理者,都能得到多方面的启发。

  《Elon Musk》读后感(十):The Man that Changes the World

Elon Musk is a guy that suffers fools badly and can not empathizes pretty well with his surroundings. But he is possessed with such grand visions that few human beings on Earth can match. I don't quite get to know how he views people and the world around him just by reading this book. But I would love to pay my highest tribute to him. Here is a man that is committed to the overall progressing of human kind. But of course, much of the inner drive may just come from his deep-seated desire to grab attention from others, a desired formed in his early unusual childhood.
Some interesting excerpts from the book.
Maye(Elon's mother) tells the story of Elon playing outside one night with his siblings and cousins. When one of them complained of being frightened by the dark. Elon pointed that "dark is merely the absense of light."
cherry-pick the best guys (公司)挖人
Musk did open up to a couple of close friends and expressed the depth of his misery. But for the most part, Justine read her husband right. He didn't see the value grieving publicly. "It made me extremely sad to talk about it," Musk said. "I'm not sure why I'd want to talk about extremely sad events. It does no good for the future. If you'v got other kids and obligations, then wallowing in sadness does no good for anyone around you. I'm not sure what should be done in such situations."
Her greatest gift, though, may have been reading Musk' moods. At both SpaceX and Tesla, Brown placed her desk a few feet in front of Musk's, so that people had to pass her before having a meeting with him. If someone needed to request permission to but a big-ticket item, they would stop for a moment in front of Brown and wait for a nod to go see Musk or the shake-off to go away because Musk was having a bad day.(later, Brown was fired, sadly.)
I would like to die on Mars, but not on impact.




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