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《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感精选10篇

2018-02-02 20:44:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感精选10篇

  《The Fault in Our Stars》是一本由John Green著作,Dutton Juvenile出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 17.99,页数:336,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(一):伤害在所难免

  花了一星期,把John Green的《THE FAULT IN OUR STARS》给看完了。



  You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.


  我们中的大多数是没有这种机会的,像Gus遇到Hazel那样,对她说:“It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”



  此刻,像Hazel 关心 Anna 的结局一样,我迫切地想知道Hazel及其父母后来怎样了。

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(二):From Gus to Hazel Grace


  Hazel Grace,

  Imagine our positions were switched. Imagine the Grand Augustus Waters at your funeral. What would I say? Smart. Beautiful. Funny. Grand. So many words. I bet most people would have said them by the time my turn came up. But those are just words. Not enough. Not enough for you. Even the Bard himself would be tongue-tied.

  o I sat there, thinking about words I would use, all night long. But all I could think of was, I love you. I love you, Hazel Grace. I love you. I love you. I love you. I can go on saying this again and again, for the rest of my life, if a month or maybe two still count as "rest."

  You used to say people like us are grenades. At some point we are going to blow up and hurt everyone who loves us. You are right. I disagree. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I never have, and never will, regret my choice.



  From Heaven

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(三):the fault is in our stars, not in us


  莎士比亚的原句很优美,but it says the fault is in us, not in the stars.

  ut let's face it. What fault do Gus and Hazel have? the fault is in our stars.


  gus害怕oblivion,其实戳中了我的心声。我也会想,到底这一生需要做什么,才可以leave a mark, make a dent in this world. 也许有时候就默默地生活着,最后走向消亡与无名?可能个人到最后都会这样呐。作者借着Hazel的思想语言说出了这些思考


  1 accept it 人都会死,都会消失,这是必须接受的事情,不要假装自己还可以live forever

  2 尽力活好现在的每一天,因为生命真的很脆弱。其实私以为patrick十个好人,他的想法看起来很俗,但说实话,不就是这样吗。不管如何,人都要接受不可改变的事情,并努力make the best of it

  3 找到爱。you may not be loved widely, but would be lucky to be loved deeply. 如同gus和hazel,也许生命很短暂,不过他们活过,爱过,体验过生命最美好的相爱与相知,到最后,都不会后悔她他的选择

  喜欢书的标题,喜欢其中的诗句,可以感受到作者深厚的思考和文学素养。这不是一本肤浅的teeange novel,这是一本关于人生的书。

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(四):teenagers‘ love and thoughts about death


  全书读下来,不能说没有感动地方,但是我现在的我来说有点难以触及心灵。可能是因为青少年爱情故事让我觉得不够深刻,非得要扯上死亡才能都得到升华。如果说这个故事里没有人死,两个人估计还是柴米油盐家长里短的过着了,爱情色彩也就没有那么夺目,就因为两个人都不知道什么时候是the last good day,才会分外珍惜相处时间。这个道理发人深思的,但是故事还是老套了。

  书里我喜欢部分是Hazel Grace对于死亡,对于the side effects of death的思考,还有和小说作家对于患癌症孩子的生存、愿望对话,以及最后对于癌症是Gus的一部分,也是成就Gus的重要因素看法让我觉得很有深意,是一个我没有想到的角度。不光是癌症,我们经历的各种事情,好的坏的,我们遇到的人,不都是成就今日之我的重要部分吗,如果能这样看待遇到的不如意,那这个人一定可以很好的与自己相处,我自己的功力不够,还不能坦然接受全部的自己,需要继续修炼。

  健康的人很难想象患病的人是如何看待他们得到的同情的,这本书却诚实甚至有些尖刻的道出了“同情”的廉价,尤其是来自于陌生人的同情。那些同学朋友,去Gus的主页上留下哀悼的话语并不能让Gus活过来,也不能让他的家人好受一些,有的话甚至一看就知道不怎么熟悉去世的Gus,只是形式上的表达了一下。Hazel Grace说最想与之讨论关于Gus的死的人就是Gus本人。是啊,还能有谁更有发言权呢?可是活着的人毕竟是被留下的一方,还要在世界的这个彼端继续活下去,葬礼、记忆、留下的书信都只是为了活下来的人去哀悼去铭记,然后抬起头在往前走。我会希望多看到一些Hazel Grace之后如何生活和思考的,可惜,故事如同里面的小说结局一样,戛然而止,突兀着,让人措手不及。要是按我想的继续描写如何积极生活的场景,可能小说的张力就没有了,毕竟流水账再积极向上也是难以给人深刻印象的。


  道你为什么这么执着于Anne的母亲的结局吗?Hazel Grace从来没有回答这个问题,也许她心里知道,也许她不愿说,或者她还没有意识到,但是结尾的地方,她真心为母亲有了生活的方向而感到高兴,我想答案不言而喻的。这点执念我觉得很动人。如果说这个小姑娘因为癌症的经历思想成熟聪明、淡漠,让人觉得有点距离,那她对于父母的爱和执念是她最接地气的时刻

  最后我觉得teenager‘s love story还是不太适合我的口味啊,看书还是不能随大流,得自己好好挑选。

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(五):怎么样才能丰胸美乳











  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(六):Everything happens for a reason

  虽然Hazel最喜欢的那本书就那么突兀的结束了,也算是对这本书以信这种方式收尾的一种隐喻吧,我一直希望所有有高潮的故事都有一个后续交待作为正式结尾,不过这本书已经在Gus葬礼后交待清楚了所有人的后续生活状态。Hazel知道自己的父母会move on,因为you have to move on anyway, but not in the way it used to be.即使她的父母在她(或许)死后不会无所事事,但从她患病开始,整件事对她父母造成的影响就像grenade一样。可以看出Gus不仅有趣,而且有一定的雄心,如果他不患病,他说不定可以成为一个NBA球星,这样即使他死了也不会被遗忘了,所以他所谓的被遗忘是指被除了家人,朋友,同学之类自己圈子里的人遗忘,最后,他至少让Van Houden记住了他,让他知道把痛苦和伤害传递下去的行为是如何跟Hazel的观点对立,让他找到Hazel并且Hazel给他上了一课,也许他在尝试了二十二年后终于可以释怀了。

  写到这里才发现一个有趣的对立,Hazel害怕伤害她周围的人,而她喜欢的那本书的作者却在真真切切的伤害他周围的人,我觉得Gus害怕被遗忘的观点有点像Van Houden刚开始写这本书的态度,我猜他写这本书是怕自己忘记女儿,或者从某种程度上纪念她,同时也是让世人(读者)记住他的存在,这里面含有一点虚荣的成分,以至于他后来搬到阿姆斯特丹“隐居”,这么多年来一直不敢看读者的信件,我觉得他是意识到了自己在“消费死者”,但又因为这本书是驾驭在他自己的痛苦上创作出来的,所以他没有办法面对心魔吧,而Hazel哪么执着于这本书的后续,确实有一部分原因是基于她是cancer kid,她的心态已经和一般孩子不同,这本书的后续对她的意义可能就是她会把Anna的结局当成自己的人生结局去对应。她可能并不在乎结局的内容,她只是想故事有个完整的结局,这样她才能知道if everyone is ok (without her?),她真的是把Anna的故事映射到自己的生活中了。所以我刚开始一直觉得这样的女生人生观很稳重很自觉,但作为个人来说有点缺乏安全感,也难给予别人安全感,真的像个cancer kid一样比较没有生机,比较好奇Gus这种cheeky & self-aggrandizing的男生怎么会喜欢这种女生。

  说到Gus这种男生,大概看到去阿姆斯特丹我才发现,嗯,这种男生真的是挺棒的嘛,尽管他一开始会让女生感觉他cheeky,self-aggrandizing,还有点rude,但是本质上是个可以对人很好(尽管偶尔还有点mean)的家伙,不仅是对人好(我觉得促成一段恋情的重点之一是,两个人都要找到自己喜欢对方的点,喜欢对方的品质/性格等等,也就是喜欢人,而不是因为对方对自己好而喜欢),而且自己是个有意思的人,他对于一些微小的话题有一套套逻辑,说明他至少想的不少,对于癌症和人生的观点,估计也是在一开始患病就想过的。篮球打的又好,又good looking(我发誓他在去阿姆斯特丹之前都不是我的菜),我也不知道他为什么喜欢Hazel,直到最后那封信,我觉得在那种cancer kids的氛围下,出现一个不做作,不自怨自艾也不像某些人把自己弄得像抗癌斗士一样,我觉得还有一点是Gus猜到了她的人生观,并且意识到了自己的害怕被遗忘(于是不免在别人身上留下scars)是多么自私,大概不免陷入了那种欣赏的感情吧,再加上Gus是个会观察的聪明人。


  .S. 在看完结局的时候,我已经大致想好Gus长什么样了,可是我画画太烂- -

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(七):love, life and death

  There is so much to this story.

  It is about love that is at its purest and deepest. Being deeply loved by one instead of a million is a great fortune that i wish i could be favored someday.

  It is about the fickleness of life. To a certain degree, we are all at the mercy of some superior power or are the puppets of God. He could take us out any moment he wants. Still, the gift of life is bestowed upon us, there is no reason not to make a forever out of our limited being on earth.

  o, Live with all our hearts; Live with all our courage and strength;

  Live truthfully; Dispense with all that is not relevant to life.

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(八):the resistance of underlings

  ook Reviewof The Fault In Our Stars The quote,"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars.But in ourselves, that we are underlings."of Shakespeare is where the book's name comes from.While this time the fault is actually in our stars. The Fault In Our Stars,written by American author John Green,doesn't talk about politics or economy even without so much as grand ideas.It's just about cancer,narrating the story of two cancerous adolescents falling in love and then falling apart.Death is the alpha and omega of the whole book,but it's the one of the most affectionate books that I've ever seen. Hazel Grace,the heroine aged 17,suffered lung cancer in terminal stage.Late in the winter of her seventeenth year,her mother decided she was depressed,presumably because she rarely left the house,ate like birds and devoted quite a lot of her abundant time to thinking about death.To help her out of this depression,she was forced to Support Group at her mother’s insistence.At Support Group ,which featured a rotating cast of characters to tell their cancer-battling experience,she bumped into her destiny,Augustus Waters. Augustus Waters,who had a little touch of tumor in the leg,is the 18-year-old hero.He made it through the first attack of cancer and went to Support Group with his friend Isaac,who was another patient. Hazel and Augustus made their acquaintance at Support Group and then the same background bonded them together tightly.They shared feelings with each other,enjoyed the company of each other and above all they adored each other fervently. But the world is not a wish-granting factory and pains demand to be felt.This love in the shadow of death was bound to be a race between life and time.And to everybody’s sorrow,Augustus,who just got a touch of cancer at the beginning,was defeated by it in the end,unexpectedly leaving Hazel toface the heartbreaking facts alone. This affection,between the two cancerous young man,is too incandescent to be a cheesy puppy love.It bears far too much than that and what involved in this lovestoryis an exploration and an exposition towards humanity on the edge of dying. In the first place ,Hazel attempted to save Augustus from being in love with her because she did not want get one more person hurt by her impending fragmentation.Instead of letting it be,Augustus insisted that life should be fulfilled even if you might get grueling pains when the limited days ran out.He once told Hazel,“I am in love with you,and I know that love is just a shout into void,and that oblivion is inevitable,and that we are all doomed and that there will come a day then all our labor has been returned to dust,and I know the sun will swallow the only sun we will ever have,and I am in love with you.”Let us suppose,if you were on the edge of dying or told that ‘there are not many days for you’,would you have the courage and resolution to chase the things you have been wanting?Indeed,under that circumstances achieving something would turn out to be a vain attempt to most people. However,in the long run,which is really long enough,we are all doomed into dust and it all seems vain attempts and efforts what we are doing here and now.In that sense,it is actually a cost-efficient deal to be a passer-by of life,paying no extra efforts and gaining no more feelings.But is that really the case?Of course not. Because to we human being, some finite is larger than infinite. For Hazel and Augustus,their expression of love was to write eulogy for each other and the trip to Amsterdam was their Last Wish.Both of them,however,never faltered in their determination to confront the coming death together.At such moments,all that they could do was to recapture the finite happiness around them and accordingly they did it.Even after Augustus’s death,Hazel never regretted it for playing this fruitless story out.On the contrary,she was grateful for Augustus offering her numerous gifts withing the numbered days.To some degree, Hazel and Augustus amounted to the unluckiest person on earth,but on the other end of the spectrum,they presented a good lesson to usthat we all should make the most of what we have and cherish the moment we are up to. Affection alone ,nevertheless,is not enough to constitute a remarkable book.Virtually,The Fault In Our Stars is a admixture of family love,attitude towards death and the meaning of life,all of which evokes my deep thinking. In this book,family ties in the two cancerous teenagers’ family are strong enough to make a profound impression on me.Hazel was always clear about that her illness was the root of her family’s misfortune and adversity.There is only one thing in the world worse than suffering from cancer when you are junior,and that is having a child who suffering from it.Hazel’s mother could not work because she had taken on the full-time profession of Hovering Over Hazel.From Hazel’s thirteen,she was always ready to lend a hand to her daughter at any time and she tried so hard to relieve her daughter with a forced smile which was nearly rigid.She could not get paid or get any benefits for herself by taking care of Hazel.But she was willing to do so.Unconditional love,I think, does exist and it is exemplified by what Hazel’s mother did. Upon death,neither of the hero and heroine expressed their fear toward it directly.It is said that there is only two kinds of emotion in the world,love and fear.After deliberation,I want to put it this way,there is only two kinds of primary-emotion in the human’s spiritual world,love and fear,whose analogue in natural science is three-primal color.It is the compounds of love and fear that lead us to have others feelings.To Hazel,the chance of dying was not more intriguing than one question. Hazel was obsessed with one book called An Imperial Affliction and she read it over and over again.An Imperial Affliction told a story about a young cancerous girl named Anna after whose death the story halted and ended with an unfinished sentence.Then the subsequent life of Anna’s family became a mystery without a clue which haunted Hazel for years.As far as I can tell ,Hazel’s concern about her family’s life after her departing accounts for her the strong will to find out the answer to that mystery.As for Augustus, when asked what was his fear,“oblivion”replied he.Before getting one of his legs cut,Augustus earned himself an good collection of awards.It was nearly unbearable for such an aspiring man to leave the world without leaving a mark on it.What bothered Augustus most was not death but being another unremembered casualty in the ancient and inglorious war against disease. From their story,I gradually figure out that,most of time,we do not fear death itself but fear its side effect,like misery we might bring to our beloved ,pain ,depression and oblivion. What comes to you when you are thinking about the meaning of life?Being world-renowned,bequeathing a legacy or outlasting death?For quite a long time,we were all told those above are the essence of living.But when I was reading the book,it occurred to me that certain needs must be met before you can have other kinds of needs and ofthem physiological needs is the basic.Until your physiological needs are satisfied,you can not even worry about security or social needs,let alone “self-actualization”,which is when you start to ,study art , work on science or think about morality .In reality nearly all the people give us advice on how to pursue a decent life goal and how to become a renowned celebrity .No doubt, if all of us could have achieved this goal, we will have greater chances to own anything we ever want, but as it was to be a celebrity is destined to be an exclusive career.And it might be nearer the truth to say that most of us are going to live his or her own life as common people.Unfortunately,no one ever told us how to spend our life in a pose of common people.When your basic needs are never able to be satisfied and accordingly you are not allowed to pursue a decent goal ,does it really mean you are not allowed to deserve a meaningful life?No. As the author John Green said in this book,we do have to cling to millions of admirers,sometimes just several intimates can work and work better.In other words maybe all of us do not have the privilege to be loved widely but all of us do have the privilege---nay, right--- to be loved deeply. The Fault In Our Stars,exploring the tender,thrilling,and tragic business of being alive and in love,gives me a bittersweet reading experience,simple but profound.We,even as the underlings of human evolution and even when the fault is in our stars,should and must make our life be a unique one.

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(九):The world is not a wish-granting factory

  最初是因为喜欢Ed Sheeran的all of the stars, 进而查到这首歌是电影 the fault in our stars 的原声,电影是根据同名小说改编,好奇之下找出这篇小说来看看。




  不但没有俗套,我感觉作者还是个强烈反俗套的人。举例说一下(剧透来了,不喜绕路):比如普通人对cancer kids的态度,好朋友的态度,家长们是怎么想的,小孩是怎么想的,那些cancer Perk,统统不是那些我们经常以为的那样。比如illness repulses(普通人对病人的普遍的抗拒远离厌恶的心理),比如和闺蜜逛街,闺蜜在随口说到"死"的时候马上意识到什么,马上住口并很抱歉地看着她......这都是他们经历的普通的真实的生活。文中对church的support group的描写也非常写实,support group是怎样的一个routine...主人公去support group的唯一目的就是想让父母开心,因为“比得癌症更糟糕的事情是有个得癌症的孩子”...... 让我不禁在想,教会应该如何帮助患病的人?真的说几句耶稣爱你,分享感受,叫几句励志口号有用吗?什么才是他们真正需要的呢?教会能做什么是真正帮助他们的呢(经济支持之外)?

  (剧透)主人公特别喜欢一个作家的一本书(因为她认为这个作家是真正理解死亡的人,也是真正能理解她的人),反复读了几百遍,想了好多年书中人物后来的结局如何。长话短说,经过种种曲折,最终主人公终于得到机会去荷兰和作家见面了(好一个励志故事),但发现作家是个很mean的精神失常者(what a surprise), 作家不但没有给他们答案,还说了很多刻薄恶毒的话(但又是非常真实的话)......完全不是一个正常的励志故事的思路啊(看来我已经被微信微博的各种励志文荼毒太久了)

  这是一本很写实的书,quote:"The world is not a wish-granting factory", yes, 这就是中心思想。这就是真实的人生。“"Pain demands to be felt", another quote.

  别误解我,这不是一个悲观的故事,真实不代表悲观。只不过是,那些我们轻易就信以为真的cliche, 那些廉价的心灵鸡汤,并不能真正给我们帮助。这是一个生活的故事,这也是一个爱情故事。两个得癌症的孩子,是如何真实地相爱着。具体我就不再做spoiler了,在这里再quote我很喜欢的一段话:"You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers." 爱,就是有一天你会说:It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.

  《The Fault in Our Stars》读后感(十):后知后觉的书评


  喜欢John Green这个人多于这本畅销小说。很多人都和我一样看过他和他弟弟Hank Green在youtube上做的crash course。视频中的John Green总是一副很“亲民”的样子。学识够渊博,人够幽默而不端架子。看了这本书以后更加觉得他活得真实。书中的笔触和他在视频中的语气表情真的特别一致。所以我对这本书的喜爱,三分基于情节,二分基于改编电影给我的直观视觉印象,五分基于对作者本人的欣赏。


  对于中国读者来说,1)癌症题材 2)青春小说 这两个元素的搭配恐怕很少见到,如果有的话也是矫情和无病呻吟的占大多数。这本书特别之处在于作者的典型美国人视角。他对这两个元素的审视,以及得出的结论都不是包括我自己在内的很多人可以轻易想到的。具体来说:对待濒死和真正的死亡,几乎所有人都会有恐惧,几乎所有人都会担心连累家人朋友。按女主Hazel的说法是有一种自己是枚定时炸弹却想要降低伤害的纠结。这种情绪如此强烈,加上病痛的折磨如此难以承受,主角们的处境在外人看来一定充斥着绝望。作者也并没有否认这种绝望,但他时刻在强调一个很容易被忽略的事实:癌症是患者的一部分,但绝不是全部。从Hazel妈妈每周催促她去和癌症小组互动,到Gus用自己的愿望帮助Hazel去到Amsterdam见她最喜欢的作家,他们每一个人都在试着把Hazel当作一个普通少女来对待。癌症可以缩短人生命的长度,但是人在很多时候可以选择性地弱化甚至忽视病痛本身,去真正专注地活着,甚至享受到爱情,这是一件多么美妙的事情。

  很多人会被Hazel和Gus之间的爱情感动。前几天朋友圈里有个“读书点名”,其中一个问题是“哪本书让你想到曾经的恋人”,有好几个人写的是这本the fault in our stars. 可见虽然癌症是少数人的经历,短暂爱情的感受却是有普世性的。一个小细节是,John Green在讲文艺复兴时有一段对莎士比亚的评论,让我觉得莎翁的一些思想方式已经深入到作者内心深处了。印象深刻的一句话是“we keep doubting that the fault is in our stars [destined], but is that the truth? Maybe the fault is in ourselves." (时间久远,不是准确到字,大概是这个意思). 或许真的是这样,我们以为是命运让我们经历痛苦和分别,但是谁又能说自己是完全无辜的呢?很多时候难道不也是因为我们自己的脆弱,偏执,自我和其他的人性“弱点“吗?具体到书中的情节,Hazel从一开始就对Gus有crush(在电影里表现不算明显,但是书中的心理描写很直白),但是直到他们一起去Amsterdam她才小心翼翼地迈出第一步。看这本书的时候大概很多人都想遇到一个像Gus一样善良,执着,把笑脸留给别人把悲伤留给自己的朋友,像他一样愿意向你走九十九步只等你靠近一步的爱人吧。有多少人真的愿意变成那个守护别人的人呢?还好Hazel做到了。在后半本书里Gus成了他们两个中那个弱势的人,Hazel也学会了照顾和爱别人,像她一直被照顾和爱一样。最感动的部分是在Gus的prefuneral上,Hazel的一段eulogy: " I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for teh world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." 在这不完美的世界里,这已经算是一个完美的结局了。


