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The Thorn Birds的读后感10篇

2017-12-17 21:27:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

The Thorn Birds的读后感10篇

  《The Thorn Birds》是一本由Colleen McCullough著作,Virago Press Ltd出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 9.99,页数:592,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Thorn Birds》读后感(一):After reading the Thorn birds

  efore telling you the whole story and what the story gave me,I’d like to quote the legend about the The Thorn bird:

  There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then, singing among the savage branches,it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song,existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain…. Or so says the legend.

  As the legend, this story is about a family, or accurately, in my view, about 3 generations, 3 women- Fee, Meggie and Justine,and they are the view of a thorn bird. It’s start from 1915, New Zealand,Meggie is a little 4 years old girl, in the big poor family, the only one who cared her, love her is Frank, and Meggie love him also, the big brother who is the guardian angel, but only for her, the little beautiful girl with red hair. It’s a poor family, the father Paddy is a farm labourer, the mother Fee, is a beautiful woman while never express any feelings, nor her happiness or pain,she just do the house work day after day, night after night~ the only one she cares, is her son- Frank, in some point, she loves Frank more than the rest of the children. At first, I have no clue about this, while as the story unfolds,she pours all her love to Frank just cause she loved the Father who is not Paddy, her current husband. And maybe it’s a destiny, Meggie goes to the same road as her mother, their difference is just Fee actually loved Paddy and Paddy loved Fee very much, even it’s been seen after Paddy died, but at least, she knows, she loved the man, and regretting the days and years ignoring him, accurately,it’s a life long, it’s a thorn branch and she choose to impale herself into it.But she is not a bird, and the thorn cannot kill her at once, so she sing on the thorn branch. So does Meggie, when the family moved to Drogheda, it’s destined Meggie will be another thorn bird. Ralph, the only man Meggie loved in her life, but he is a priest, he loved her, at the beginning as a priest, then as a man, when Meggie was abandoned by her loved Ralph and married Luke o’Neil,when something belonged to you finally disappear and become others, you’ll know how precious they are and how important they meant to you. At this moment,Ralph finally know, he love her, as a man. And as a man, he felt happiness that he never thought exist, but now, he is a Cardinal now, no back road for him. And to Meggie?She stole a child from her loved man, from Ralph, the only man she loved when she was a little girl. Fortunately Luke does not love her at all, he is just a miser, so when Meggie went back to Drogheda with the girl-Justine who is not the expected child with Luke, and the precious baby with Ralph, no one disturb her or stand in her way, it’s rarely peace. Sorry for the mess, I’m really not a good storyteller~ Dane was born, a beautiful little boy whose father is Ralph, taken care of by his older sister Justine whose father is Luke.Apparently, Meggie pour all her love to Dane, all her love to Ralph, and just give Justine a indifference, but like it exist in her blood, she never expressed she want to be loved or needed, only with her little brother , she learn to laugh, talk~ and always until Dane died. He is the only one she allowed to step into her heart. If we say Fee and Meggie impale themselves to the thorn tree, while Justine, is born on the thorn tree, born in pain, so she refused to love and accept love. Until she finally lost Dane, and Rain in some point awake her feelings, she chooses to pull out the thorn from her body,and embrace the happiness~

  As to me, Meggie went to her mother’s road, loved a shouldn’t love of a person, and keep the love for a whole life, never turn the page to start a new life even she had the chance. I’m not blaming her or criticize her, I respect her love to Ralph, it’s deep and moving, I hope I can love someone so deep in heart, and have the special feeling when the person look into you, that must be the happiest thing in life~ While Justine, her daughter, did not like her mother, she is such a brave girl I have to say. She wants to be an actress and she became a famous actress, she said she wants different lives, while in the reality, you just live once, you cannot scream,you cannot die, you cannot be someone’s mistress whilist other’s wife, so to be an actor, you can live different lives, it is exciting. In this point, I cannot agree more, who donnot want a colorful life with unknown? But in another point,she chooses this just because of her deeply pain, she had to sing, to relieve the pain……while she’ll be happy for her life, cause Rain is the one who can relieve her pain and let is disappear. I remember his words ”Words of love mean nothing, I have not spoken my love, I’ve lived it”.

  I wept, for the love Ralph and Meggie, for poor Frank, for Paddy, for their sing…If you’ve read this story, do you remember a paragraph when Ralph finally find the thing that remedy his hurt, his loneliness, it’sonly a name- Meggie, Meggie,Meggie….

  At last, since my superficial understanding, I’dlike to quote the last paragraph of the book to remember and pay my respect to this great story:

  The bird with the thorn in its breast, it follows an immutable law,it’s driven by it knows not what to impale itself, and dies inging. At the very instant the thorn enters there is no awareness in it of the dying to come; it simply sings and sings until there is not life left to utter another note. But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know. We understand. And still we do it.Still we do it.

  《The Thorn Birds》读后感(二):给记忆中的玫瑰












  《The Thorn Birds》读后感(三):《他们》----------“其实我最…Ralph de Bricassart,但我不要爱他!”

  我不信教,但也知道宗教是有力量的。于我,Priest(Father)分两种,一种是《巴黎圣母院》里的Claude Frollo 副主教,近似苛刻的教条及禁欲背后,他的心和他身上的黑袍一样,阴暗扭曲。Esmeralda的存在,她的美,野花般肆无忌惮开放又低到尘土里,还就活生生的开在他的眼前,这让他所谓的信仰以及欲望的克制瞬间崩溃,她是他的毒药,他的恶因为想占有而急剧膨胀。她本不高贵,她应当如他所求,可偏偏她是不低头的性子,得不到,他便嫁祸她、折磨她、看万千人唾弃她、甚至毁灭她。

  另外一种便是近期我看了无数遍的《荆棘鸟》,The Thorn Birds中的这个Ralph de Bricassart神父了,无论是书中的他,还是83年Richard Chamberlain饰演的他(当年艾美最佳男主角),拉尔夫都有完美的面部轮廓、修长灵活的身姿,以及受过良好教育的高贵的谈吐;一袭束腰素色神父长袍,洁白的罗马领,比便装更能映衬出他的风采,他的出场是用来崇拜的,无论男人和女人(花痴!)。而Meggie,生长在穷苦家庭的小小花蕾,从含苞到绽放,她不仅仅是他的小小萝莉,他的rose,更是他的神性压制不住的人性的部分。为了追逐自己的野心,他是要克制的,他是要放弃他的,但是这放弃的路上总有百折千回,他忍不住回头,和她有了短暂的人(任性)的时光,却终选择割舍奔回梵蒂冈一路成为红衣大主教,离开前,他说,对自己最大的惩罚便是再也不能肯定自己爱上帝甚于爱她……





  《红字》The Scarlet Letter中的牧师Reverend Dimmesdale 丁梅斯代尔,他对宗教有着狂热,他也是小镇上的神,教众眼中圣洁的奇迹,他最珍爱的便是自己教士的身份,虽然他的血肉之躯仍然会偷偷向爱慕和欲望投降。他看着爱他的女子Prynne,一次次被羞辱,一次次被逼问孩子的父亲是谁,永远带着那个表示耻辱的A字;他看着她带着他的女儿Pearl辛苦挣扎的活着,看着她扛着,他因为自己不能、不敢、不肯站到她的身边而在心里被良知折磨;勇敢的Prynne不要她的神坠落,而丁梅斯代尔,他是真的觉得自己犯了罪,却不是对她,更多的是对他为之狂热的神!他苦修,他甚至一次次鞭打自己,为自己对神的背叛、为自己人的欲望而惩罚自己;在无人的夜晚,他也会走到她受罚的刑台前;他最后在自己胸膛刻下了“A”,他的终点是被羞耻和折磨早早耗掉了一切!

  把这些个属于另一个世界的男人放到一起,不仅仅是因为他们有着共同的身份-神职人员,更是因为这些书,都很打动我。巴黎圣母院的年代,是18几几年的法国,中世纪的宗教本就多了黑暗腐朽的色彩;而荆棘鸟的舞台,是19几几年的澳大利亚,是在那片无垠的大陆上,才有了这种波澜壮阔的爱与抉择;简爱是发生在19世纪的英格兰,那个社会,阶层划分是不可逾越的;红字呢,又是发生在17世纪清教禁锢的北美大陆,人们更倾向于宗教狂热和欲望的克制,这些不同的时空舞台,对这些男主角来说,就是他们饱满人物形象的背景色。这一切,都是欲望和对神的承诺的搏斗,这些人,除了Claude副主教是彻底罪恶的,剩下的都是人性和神性的斗争!可是,我不懂,当你全心信仰一个神的时候,为什么只有舍弃了人的情感,人的欲望才能更好的侍奉你的主呢,就像Meggie 问Ralph的,为什么你的那个上帝的天堂,没有对女人的爱呢?


  哈哈,最后还是想说,其实我最…Ralph de Bricassart,但我不要爱他!

  《The Thorn Birds》读后感(四):What is love,what is happiness

  When I am watching The thorn birds, I keep wondering a question---- Is Maggie happy?

  Maggie has an unhappy childhood, she has been ignored by her mother since she was a little girl. Her mother only cares about her oldest brother Frank, so she has to burden the responsibility as a mother to take care of her youngest brother Hal. She also has to help her mother do a lot of housework.

  The only light of her dark childhood is Ralph. As she herself says: “From the first time I saw you, you smiled at me, you called my name, you touched me, and I know I will love you for the rest of my life.”

  It is no doubt that she loves him so much and so deeply. Although she knows clearly that they can’t be married, she still tries her best to do it. After Mary’s birthday party, Maggie confesses her love for him, but Ralph refuses her because of his duties as a priest and begs Maggie to find someone to love and marry. So depressed she is, she marries to Luke two years later, a man looks a little like Ralph.

  ut finally she left Luke and got a child with Ralph.

  ome people may say that Maggie is unfortunate and unhappy, for her dark childhood and her forbidden love with Ralph. She almost gets nothing till the end of her life. Happiness is always far away from her.

  ut I think, happiness is a different thing to different people, each man has a different understanding of happiness. To some people, money and power is happiness: to others, family being together is happiness. But to Maggie, I think, falling love with Ralph is her happiness.

  This kind of love cannot be judged by whether it is worth or not, if she would rather being depressed and sad to love a man.

  《The Thorn Birds》读后感(五):The Thorn Bird























