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《The Defining Decade》的读后感10篇

2017-12-12 20:38:02 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《The Defining Decade》的读后感10篇

  《The Defining Decade》是一本由Jay, Meg著作,Twelve出版的精装图书,本书定价:$ 25.98,页数:272,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Defining Decade》读后感(一):三十如何而立

  两千多年前孔子就就教育人们,说三十而立。但是因为孔子的言论都在140个字以内,他也没有说说三十如何而立。两千年以后的今天,一美国的的心理学家Meg Jay写了一本书,就是告诉二十多岁的年轻人,三十如何而立。









  “The slower you go, the faster you get there."


  《The Defining Decade》读后感(二):血泪案例史





  ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭



  《The Defining Decade》读后感(三):The Defining Decade读后感








  第三章就是讲述在20+年龄时候充分对事业和爱情进行思考和行动的积极意义,这些行为背后的生理、心理因素分析。这里么特别提到了frontal lobe对于decision-making的重要性,对于大部分人,大家的frontal lobe在20岁左右时候也没有发育完全,对于和这个区域的息息相关的decision-making就更要进行慎重的对待。现代认证心理学已普遍认可的一个理论是,流体智力是可以

  不断被锻炼的,推广到更大的一个范畴就是大脑各项功能都是可以被锻炼的。20+左右青年人的各种决策在时刻影响着自己的frontal lobe,同样的自己frontal lobe的成熟度也反过来影响着自己之后的各种决策(更不要说考虑到20+左右时的一些大决定会相对程度上影响人的发展轨迹)。后面还提到了关于年龄对于人(主要是女性)生育的影响

  所以说,我们不要不在意年轻时的决定,不要不在意年轻时的爱情,不要不在意年轻时的大脑和身体。英文里有句you are what you read,推广开来就是you are what you do(read,think,play,etc),我们的思想,能力,智力,体力无一不受到过往行为和经历的影响, 而这些品质也会反影响到你今后的行为和经历。这本书是特别写给20+人看的,作为一个29看到这本书的人,我不并觉得晚,反思自己成长过程中的各种坑,觉得很多时候确实是放松了对自己的要求,didn't take things too serioulsy,特别是那些关键点上的决定。 我甚至认为只要你耐心看完了这本书,也证明了你对于自己现状是有想法去改变的,最后借用作者书中结尾写的几句话:Be intentional. Get to work,pick your family. Do the math.Make your own certainty. Don't be defined by what you didn't know or didn't do ,you are deciding your life right now.

  《The Defining Decade》读后感(四):笔记

  1.建立自己的身份资本(identity capital)


  一些identity capital来自简历,像学位、工作、考试分数、俱乐部;另外的一些就更加个人化,比如说我们怎样说话,我们来自哪里,我们怎样解决问题,我们看起来怎么样。identity capital是我们如何一点点的建造起来的自我。最重要的是,identity capital是我们能带给社会市场的东西,是我们用来找工作,找对象等等的资本。
















  Unthought knowns

  我们知道的关于我们自己的但是却忘记了的事,一些是我们放弃了的梦想,或者我们认识到却没有大声说出口的事实。我们害怕别人知道这些,因为我们害怕别人会怎样看我,更多是是甚至我们害怕unthought knownsh对我们自身有多么重要的意义。我们假装我们不知道该做什么。即使不知道是不是对的,但我们朝着一个方向努力是有意义的。










  我们去挑选配件定制单车,我们的人生也是这样,并不是要横空做一些没人做的事才叫做个性,我们根据自己的天赋和限制做选择去挑选适合自己的普通的部分,为建造我们的人生一点点去选择一个工作或identify capital,通过一些时间的努力,创造自己独特的人生。



  要对自己是谁,想要什么,讲出一个好故事。好的故事能塑造我们的形象,否则,简历就只是lists. lists是不会吸引人的。





  We become what we hear and see and do every day. We don’t become what we don’t hear and see and do every day.


  《The Defining Decade》读后感(五):How I feel about this book after finishing it at 18

  I am at the last year of high school and also apply for American universities at the same time. I haven't entered my twenties yet but that's the point which makes this book even more meaningful to me than the twenties.

  I almost got addicted to the author's calm style. I got into the pages as soon as I started reading. Once I firmly believed that going to see a therapist was definitely not a good thing. I also nearly gave this book up because the author was talking about dealing with problematic people, for the now seeming silly belief I hold that I should always expose myself to classic books or biographies of famous and successful people.

  For a person like my age, who haven't attended college, who haven't ever lived by myself, who haven't experienced struggling with looking for jobs or marriage but has already been thinking about future, this book kind of strongly hit my heart. I always know and my parents always tell me that the path I choose will be very uneasy and I will confront so many so many difficulties. I know that. But through the author's calm style, I suddenly realize that I kind of underestimate the difficulties down the road. I thought I could certainly overcome the difficulties and move on but it turns out that they will hit me strongly and I won't heal as quickly and easily as I thought. But it doesn't mean I will lose hope. Contrarily, I grow more hope for I come to understand this point and will get prepared for the difficulties.

  I learn a lot from all the stories. I felt kind of scared when reading these stories because I find I match a lot to those people. But I got hope because of this book's eagerness to tell people that it is never too late or too early to start living a real and serious life. For me and a lot my peers, 18 is definitely not too young! We should keep running!

  I remember clearly about the 'lock-in' chapter,especially nowadays we are exposed ourselves to all kinds of TV programmes in which young people live together and unfold their loveline. Plus shouting that we are gonna have fun in our twenties or we have a lot of time so we are gonna do crazy things first. These are interesting or even exciting but that's not how reality works out. So many people regret their having-fun twenties is just a waste of time and how the hell they hope some mentor would show up and warn them to cherish the best decade of their life.

  I told the story to my parents and they also got many inspires from it. They happily notice my maturity thanks to this book and they encourages me to keep reading. Thank you is not enough to this book and the author. Through these day's reading, I come to understand that why some people are shouting out' what the hell is our high school, our college and our society instill us!' Once I pick up a book which is the biography of Yang Lang. What I'm thinking about when reading this book is that I should remember these things for I can use them as examples in my composition. How fuck is this!!!But now I start to think about life when I read. I feel thoughts flowing in my mind and it feels wonderful. Getting good examples is definitely not reading is meant for. What I would like to say is that even under the education and social system like this, we should never let our imagination and passion dry up. Keep reading and experiencing and we can make some change.

  till strongly recommend this book

  And THANK YOU my dear author

  《The Defining Decade》读后感(六):Read the Book While You are Young

  If you are in your twenties when you saw the book, congrats!!! Some of the myth of the confused and lost age will be unraveled by it. While I wouldn't say you can find the answer to all your issues,it is a book that provides many 'ah-ha' moments to the young readers. Like one of Dr. Meg Jay's patient mentioned in her book: It's like swimming in the ocean, you don't know where you are heading and how deep is the water, you just keep swimming so you wouldn't drown. We all find ourselves stuck in that stage,I did,and she has successfully helped him find a solution for it.

  I am familiar with the feeling of swimming in the ocean, we all are.Growing up is the process of stepping from known to the unknown. While some of us try really hard to find a life style that fits, possibly with fear in the process, others settle.Take me for example, there are certainly moments in my life when I doubt about my options:Am I cut out for the challenging job? Should I just quit when people say it is a wrong path for me?All my friends are working in the corporate, why would I be different?Should I keep dating that guy?What's the cost opportunity if I move to another city for a degree,or another country? Should I be a settler and stop wondering all together?

  How I wish there is some mentor in my life to guide me through the uncertainties.But after failing in trying to fit into someone else's footsteps,I somehow have grown out of the phase of imitating and starting to carve a life myself. This is what Meg Jay called "Customized life". Why do we all want a customized bike while you can get another one off the rack and at cheaper price? No, we want something different,isn't it? The same with our lives.

  I first got to know Meg Jay through a TED video titled 'Twenties were the new Thirties.' In her compelling speech,she talked particularly about her patients as a clinic psychologist and the insightful advice she provided touched my heart.As the speech went on, I was drawn into her attitude when she talks, her light southern accent, the medium pace when she gave the speech, the graceful and intelligent vibe from her, all made me wonder, who is she and how come everything she said sinks into my mind? After that, I checked her website and got to know that she is a specialist in twentysomething and instantly bought her book from amazon.And there comes my journey.

  I wasn't particularly interested in the 'self-help' category. In fact, I have been deliberately staying away from the Dale Carnegies as far as I could.And Dr.Jay's book couldn't be further away from cliche's of the genre. As a twentysomething myself, I want good stories and convincing scientific theories. The Defining Decade happens to fall into the ideal guidance book I wanted. As an experienced therapist,her topics are all based on good stories from her twentysomething patients. While everyone is different, at some point I found myself in one of the patient's shoes: I was the girl always calling my Dad and my friends to 'borrow their frontal lobe' to solve issues at work. I was anti-social from time to time,sticking with my strong links and wasn't paying too much attention to the weak ties which may change my life.It took me very long time to come to the senses and dig for my 'unthought known'.I'm confused with choosing a partner,a career, a life, I take baby steps when I make life decision. I wonder about 'what ifs',but I am scared of trying.

  All in all, I connect with the book,and so is my best friend Chloe who happens to be on the same life pace.We need a kick in the head to keep us going, and it came in the right time.Though I'd appreciate it if I read it 3 years ago,but fate is tricky and 26 is not too late:P

  《The Defining Decade》读后感(七):看似重复但依旧感触


  Meg Jay从工作,感情,和头脑身体三方面探讨了二十几岁的青年需要认知的方面,很多我觉得其实是我们内心深处都知道自己应该做的,但是在这个大的时代背景下,太多物质广告媒体都在鼓吹者年轻无极限,有的时候我们真的很吃这一套,你会觉得,总是有着重头再来一次的机会,可以像很多美国励志片一样,三十多岁重头再来



  《The Defining Decade》读后感(八):书摘



  1. Once she could envision what she wanted her thirtysomething life to look like, what to do with the twentysomething years became more urgent and more defined.

  2. Confidence doesn’t come from the inside out. It moves from the outside in. People feel less anxious—and more confident—on the inside when they can point to things they have done well on the outside. Fake confidence comes from stuffing our self-doubt. Empty confidence comes from parental platitudes on our lunch hour.

  3. Never again will we be so quick to learn new things. Never again will it be so easy to become the people we hope to be. The risk is that we may not act now.

  5. far from safeguarding against divorce, moving in with someone increases your chances of locking in on someone, whether he or she is right for

  6. As a twentysomething, life is still more about potential than proof. Those who can tell a good story about who they are and what they want leap over those who can’t.

  7. The question twentysomethings need to ask themselves is what they would do with their lives if they didn’t win the lottery.

  8. Everything can change in a day. Especially if you put yourself out there.

  9. The one thing I have learned is that you can’t think your way through life. The only way to figure out what to do is to do—something.

  10. This path to identity is associated with a host of positive outcomes, including a clearer sense of self, greater life satisfaction, better stress management, stronger reasoning, and resistance to conformity—all the things Helen wanted.

  《The Defining Decade》读后感(九):Quotes Inspired a Twentysomething like me

  1. Twenty is a time of great risk and great opportunity. The post-twentysomething brain is still plastic, of course, but the opportunity is that never again in our lifetime will the brain offer up countless new connctions and see what we make of them. Never again will we be so quick to learn new things. NEVER AGAIN WILL IT BE SO EASY TO BECOME THE POPLE WE HOPE TO BE. THE RISK IS THAT WE MAY NOT ACT NOW.

  2.Below is about a girl Danielle in her twenties who called her mom for comfort when meeting ostacle in the office.

  When Danielle called her mother, she was doing what psychologists call "borrowing an ego." She was reaching out in a moment of need and letting someone else's frontal lobe do the work. We all need to do that sometimes, but if we esternalize our distress too much, we don't learn to handle bad days on our own. We don't prctice smoothing ourselves just when our brains are in the best position to pick up new skills. We don't learn how to calm ourselves down. At last they undermine confidence.

  3. Danielle again~

  ecause it is the same. I have these same converstions with other twentysomething clients about their relationships.These clients worry incessantly about being dropped over some small thing. Or they get anxious when a few hours go by without an incoming text. Like you've been tempted to quit your job, they are tempted to break up or pick a fight to force some kind of closure so they don't get caught by surprise.

  When things went wrong on the job, Danielle immediately feared being fired and having to wait tables. This wasn't rational. Jobs-and relationships-usually aren't that fragile.

  4. Retirement plannning has almost never come up (with twentysomethings).


