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The Blue Sweater读后感1000字

2022-05-16 02:06:20 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

The Blue Sweater读后感1000字

  《The Blue Sweater》是一本由Jacqueline Novogratz著作,Rodale Books出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 24.95,页数:262,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Blue Sweater》精选点评:


  ●patient capital, accountability, business strategies, market mechanisms, community, trust


  ●Impact investment

  ●if you dont like the way the world is, you change it. you have the obligation to change it. you just do it one step at a time. 伴随我非洲之旅的书

  ●strongly recommend.

  ●太好看了亲。强烈推荐给那些dream to change the world的人们。

  ●Sometimes the way to the hell is paved with good intentions


  ●一边读一边飙泪,本年度最最触动我内心和让我收获最大的书。准备在接下来的两周细致地写三篇系列书评。(一)用心听世界那头传来的回音 (二)一趟没有地图的旅程,一条改变世界的路(三)想到就去做,现在出发不晚

  《The Blue Sweater》读后感(一):因为TED

  看她的书,是因为TED的一次她的演讲。看着the blue sweater里阐述的她的人生,只觉得自己过的太小太小了。


  《The Blue Sweater》读后感(二):重要的是聆听


  作者Jacqueline Novogratz是 Acumen Fund 的创立人(她也多次参加TED演讲),她年轻的时候特别想改变世界,甚至于在大学毕业的时候就想该怎么去实现这样一个梦想。她的母亲则告诉她需要更冷静的看待世界,并且她需要一些改变世界所需的技能。于是她去到一家大银行去工作,两年后她觉得火候到了(或者是耐不住在华尔街那样地方继续呆下去),就参加世行的一个扶贫项目被派往非洲。她在非洲经历了所有的酸甜苦辣,从被别人鄙视到参与到支援草根妇女的创业项目,整个过程让她看到了世相之复杂,也让她看到了很多传统扶贫项目失败的根本原因——没有聆听当地人的心声,只是强加扶贫项目自身的想法。她从帮助当地妇女推销蛋糕开始,慢慢的理解当地人的很多想法,并且一步步的帮助她们提升商业技能,最终走出贫困。




  《The Blue Sweater》读后感(三):Made the world better just by being in it

  There is a Jewish saying, "What is truer than truth? The story." When it comes to who we will be, the more aspirational question of "who we wish to be" often reveals a truth deeper than truth.

  The story started from seeing the abandoned blue sweater worn on a Rwanda boy.

  When Jacqueline first arrived at Africa, she had no idea what will happen next or precisely how she will work her way out of crisis. Yet what does seem clear is that the conventional wisdom of the 20th century are not equipped for the century ahead.

  Despite tease, threaten, cheat, even sexual interfere, she not only survived but made radical changes. At the Skoll World Forum for Social Entrepreneurship, leadership professor Roger Martin argued that the most common characteristic of exceptional leaders - not good leaders, but exceptional leaders - is that when presented with opposing and undesirable options, their tendency is to reject the premise of the choice and find a superior path forward. Jacqueline is the very few exceptional leaders in my eye.

  acking home and feeling privileged, she missed feeling useful. Then the story of founding Acumen seemed quite natural. I took Acumen ten years from a start-up to a big name.

  I still remember the first time I got to know Acumen when awarded this book at Global Engagement Summit. The second time the head of Acumen India warmly invited me to take a photo with him at Clinton Global Initiative. I could read between the lines and words to feel the culture of Acumen—ambitious, astute, open and supportive, the very shining spirit of its founder.

  quot;Made the world better just by being in it." Because despite the endless repetition of foreclosures and botched bailouts that cloud our news; despite the very real pain and injustice that remains all to common; despite talent denied the chance to thrive the world over, today is more full of potential, passion, and opportunity than any day before it.

  Just keep in mind. "When you are weak, you are strong. "

  《The Blue Sweater》读后感(四):用心听世界那头传来的回音



























  同样是一件蓝毛衣,用不同渠道获得它,结果天差地别。你想好用哪种方式了吗? 长期的利益就意味着巨大的短期困难,兴建一个机构,彻底地系统性地解决问题都会遇到无以伦比的困难,这也是我从《如何改变世界》一书中体会到的。











  《The Blue Sweater》读后感(五):Book Review of Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz

  13Fall的一门选课International Development上的Reading,Book Review是结课作业的一部分,以下。

  The book Blue Sweater shows us the path of Jacqueline’s 20 years’ working experiences in the third world and many thought ‐‑ provoking ideas she originated along the journey. The book got its name from the blue sweater that Jacqueline’s uncle gave her and she dumped and Jacqueline accidentally saw a boy in Rwanda wearing exactly her sweater 10 years later.

  Jacqueline entered into banking industry miraculously, but she trained hard and a promising career lay ahead. However, she decided to quit her fancy job in the first world and explored a different kind of path, an NGO sending her to the third world. First, as a young and inexperienced American woman, she found it difficult to gain trust from local Africans. She gradually learned how to listen to people through setting up of the Duterimbere, a microfinance facility, and reinvigorating the 20 women of the Blue Bakery. After two years in Rwanda, focusing on helping women become economically independent, she figured out the reason why millions of dollars in charity did little to solve poverty. Jacqueline climbed a volcano in Zaire and ran down through golf ball sized hailstones and accidentally danced in Nairobi'ʹs slums after her car was stuck in the heavy rain. Then, She decided to apply to business school to gain a better understanding of management and how to build businesses. Upon graduation, she joined Rockefeller Foundation and later led the Next Generation Fellows program. After she knew the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, she paid several visits back to the country and tried to understand the behavior of her former colleagues Agnes and Prudence, shocked at the disorder of human existence. With reflections on the success of Duterimbere, Jacqueline decided to initiate a new kind of institution combining characteristics of philanthropy and venture capital fund, the Acumen Fund in 2001. Acumen Fund would provide entrepreneurs with a wide range of support from basic financial planning, manager recruitment to marketing. The Fund’s Patient Capital investment style has succeeded in India and Pakistan and now provides support and care to lots of people in poverty.

  Of all the characters in the book, I want to specifically analyze the only three parliamentarians, Prudence, Agnes and Constance. When the writer first met them, Prudence seemed a visionary spokeswoman, Constance a workhorse and Agnes a true politician. However, after Constance was killed by a dubious hit ‐‑ and ‐‑ run for bride price issue and Agnes was forced to resign due to corruption, from my point of view, the writer begins to accept the notion that only when

  women control money will they have the power to walk away from being hurt and this firstly echoes the final conclusion that solutions to poverty must be driven by discipline and accountability. After the genocide happened, Agnes and Constance were both held in prison for being killers. Agnes’s case reminds us that power corrupts on an equal ‐‑ opportunity basis regardless of gender. Prudence’s case makes us to think the ambiguity of human existence and at the same time, we can see the resilience and healing power of the people.

  Another important thread to mention is the turn ‐‑ around of Blue Bakery. This bakery gave writer the opportunity to experiment her ideas and taught her that for every two steps forward, there is often one back. She finally gained respect of 20 women workers and successfully ran the business of bakery, a new model for philanthropy and enlightenment for the Acumen Fund.

  trength: This book illustrates the thoughts of philanthropy and solution of poverty from a practical perspective, instead of a theoretical one. The writer has every details and stories that leads to her opinions and ideas. Furthermore, the book is really comprehensive and does not try to convince audience anything. It shows the whole process of writer’s mental transition and the causes for that, and leaves for audience to judge.

  Weakness: The book is filled with too many boring details of her travel itineraries and other personal issues. You may find yourself struggling to read through the book, because it reads more like a diary than a book. What’s more, the book is not structured in a good way that we can find a natural flow that conveys the main ideas. The endearing "ʺwe ‐‑ are ‐‑ all ‐‑ connectedʺ story about that blue sweater sworn several years later by a young boy in Rwanda is mentioned in the first four pages of the book. It is not mentioned again until 250 pages later.

  As Jacqueline said, “Solutions to poverty must be driven by discipline, accountability and market ‐‑ strength, not easy sentimentality. It is about building solutions from the perspective of the poor people themselves rather than imposing grand theories and plans upon them.” I, personally, recommend this great book to everyone interested in the third world or philanthropy.


