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2022-05-28 10:48:50 作者:眯眯眼的流沙 来源:眯眯眼的流沙推荐 阅读:载入中…



  “事实表明,竞争是有用的,但它在达到某个点之后就不再有用。” 竞争不是非输即赢,也不是我们取胜的唯一法则。在竞争与合作中做出合理的决策,可以在人生中和商业上获得更大的收益。 人类学与社会学为依据剖析市场竞争,从人类天性、商业规则、社会层面都可剖析到位。


  “事实表明,竞争是有用的,但它在达到某个点之后就不再有用。” 竞争不是非输即赢,也不是我们取胜的唯一法则。在竞争与合作中做出合理的决策,可以在人生中和商业上获得更大的收益。

  COMPETITION IS USEFUL “IT turns out that competition is useful, but it ceases to be useful when it reaches a certain point.”Competition is not a win-lose proposition, nor is it the only way we can win. Making rational decisions about competition and cooperation can lead to greater gains in life and business. Based on anthropology and sociology, market competition can be analyzed from human nature, business rules and social level. Human Society has entered the Internet Age, many business models have undergone fundamental changes, especially cross-border competition, you sometimes do not even know who the opponent, quietly subverted. Innovators are moving from one area to another, boundaries are opening up, every industry is being breached, old ideas are disappearing, everything is being pulled back, and competition is everywhere. “It turns out that competition is useful, but it ceases to be useful when it reaches a certain point.”Competition is not a win-lose proposition, nor is it the only way we can win. Making rational decisions about competition and cooperation can lead to greater gains in life and business.




