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《Animal Farm》读后感10篇

2022-04-03 20:35:51 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《Animal Farm》读后感10篇

  《Animal Farm》是一本由George Orwell著作,Signet Classics出版的Mass Market Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 9.99,页数:141,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《Animal Farm》读后感(一):胡思乱想


  《Animal Farm》读后感(二):动物庄园

动物世界里面,对人类的反抗,“four legs good, two legs bad”,所展示出来的画面感很强,因为细节描写很到位,每一个猪,羊,狗的性格特点都刻画出来了,而且各自的生命轨迹也不一样,虽然结局是大多数都死了,但至少我们还是记住了它们。里面的动物简直是有血有肉,就像活生生的小孩子一样,有自己的思想,有的冲动叛逆,有的乖巧。语言读起来还是比较轻松的,生词不会太多,风格也轻松幽默。读这个作品的时候,我想起了一部《黑骏马》,我不作比较,两者都很经典。

而名字动物庄园也很独特,是animal farm,不是动物园,zoo。就是一群挣脱人类的束缚后生活在小村庄里的动物,随后遇到了各种难题,解决困难。

  《Animal Farm》读后感(三):啃的第一本英文原著,mark下


  《Animal Farm》读后感(四):we are all animals

    This is the third original English book I've read.
    I have read the Chinese edition before so it was not a very hard task for me to understand the original work.
    On the whole, what the book expresses gave me a depressed feeling, nevertheless, meanwhile, the experience of reading this book was a terrific one!
    "And yet the animals never gave up hope. More, they never lost, even for an instant, their sense of honour and privilege in being members of Animal Farm. They were still the only farm in the whole county in all England!--owned and operated by animals."
    We have a special system whatever it is named that differs from almost all the other countries', and just because it is different, so we are better than others, so we love our system, so we should be proud about it, so we should insist it, so we should sacrifice ourselves to it......
    So, we are all animals.

  《Animal Farm》读后感(五):All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

故事开始Old Major提出动物主义,Mr.Jones被赶出庄园,Snowball提出“七戒”,事情都还是朝着劳动人民,也就是其他动物理想的方向去的。那是一个美好的想法,当然动物们也做出了切实的行动,为自身谋得了一定权益。他们真正成为了庄园的主人,由动物自己来管理庄园,并改名“曼纳庄园”为“动物庄园”。它们有了自己的歌曲《英格兰兽》,挂上了代表动物的旗帜,为自己的未来而劳作。这一切都很美好。直到智慧的动物—猪,产生的内部分歧,且愈演愈烈。Napoleon用卑劣手段,养了自己的忠实走狗,赶走了Snowball,自己上台执政。推翻之前制定的一系列规章制度,重新定规,这一次是为自己,为猪这一自认为高等的生物谋利。动物们不断被洗脑,被猪们煽动人心的演讲蒙蔽了双眼,逐步忘记了自己的坚持,选择相信了猪。“七戒”不断被修改,动物们将信将疑。最后Squealer被发现醉倒在七戒墙前,手里还拿着刷子。从牛奶只为猪提供开始,以Napoleon为首的猪走向集权的道路。与人作交易,“四条腿好,两条腿坏”也变成了“四条腿好,两条腿更好”,最后甚至直起身体,学习人类用两条腿走路。而可怜的Snowball就成为了scapegoat。

  《Animal Farm》读后感(六):《Animal Farm: A Fairy Story》透析记录

书名:Animal Farm: A Fairy Story
作者:George Orwell, Britain
难度:总体不重复单词4896,根据"Word Frequency Calculator"
2016.7.24 开始,看了一页。然后于2016.8.11重新开始,于2016.8.16晚看完。耗时大概11h。
这是我看的第四本100页左右量级的英文原著(前三本是《The Graveyard Book》和《Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition》、《Flipped》),这是我第二本做透析记录的原著。
1 奥威尔文笔很辛辣。old Major的起义呼吁动物们反抗自己的悲惨命运。在起义后,大家欢呼自由,树立了七戒,指定了a hoof and a horn的旗帜,歌唱者象征自由之歌的Beasts of England。在最终,七戒被全部被篡改,旗帜和自由之歌被取消。猪变成了人。起义前的悲惨命运重新加诸于动物们身上。喟然一叹。
2 奥威尔只给出了悲剧,没有尝试在寓言里反抗,没有尝试给出药方,没有尝试给人希望,我认为这是他的局限。
Snowball had made a close study of some back numbers of the Farmer and Stockbreeder which he had found in the farmhouse, and was full of plans for innovations and improvements.
back number,老古董
 The animals listened first to Napoleon, then to Snowball, and could not make up their minds which was right; indeed, they always found themselves in agreement with the one who was speaking at the moment.
 By the time he had finished speaking, there was no doubt as to which way the vote would go. But just at this moment Napoleon stood up and, casting a peculiar sidelong look at Snowball, uttered a high-pitched whimper of a kind no one had ever heard him utter before.
At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws. In a moment he was out of the door and they were after him. Too amazed and frightened to speak, all the animals crowded through the door to watch the chase. Snowball was racing across the long pasture that led to the road. He was running as only a pig can run, but the dogs were close on his heels. Suddenly he slipped and it seemed certain that they had him. Then he was up again, running faster than ever, then the dogs were gaining on him again. One of them all but closed his jaws on Snowball’s tail, but Snowball whisked it free just in time. Then he put on an extra spurt and, with a few inches to spare, slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more.
利用私下养的九只狗,Napoleon成功发动政变,将Snowball赶出了Animal Farm。枪杆子里出政权。
Napoleon, with the dogs following him, now mounted on to the raised portion of the floor where Major had previously stood to deliver his speech. He announced that from now on the Sunday-morning Meetings would come to an end. They were unnecessary, he said, and wasted time. In future all questions relating to the working of the farm would be settled by a special committee of pigs,
presided over by himself. These would meet in private and afterwards communicate their decisions to the others. The animals would still assemble on Sunday mornings to salute the flag, sing Beasts of England, and receive their orders for the week; but there would be no more debates.
凭借九只狗,Napoleon将民主转为以自己为首的special committee of pigs专制。
“I do not believe that Snowball was a traitor at the beginning,” he said finally. “What he has done since is different. But I believe that at the Battle of the Cowshed he was a good comrade.”
“Our Leader, Comrade Napoleon,” announced Squealer, speaking very slowly and firmly, “has stated categorically—categorically, comrade—that Snowball was Jones’s agent from the very beginning—yes, and from long before the Rebellion was ever thought of.”
“Ah, that is different!” said Boxer. “If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.”
A few days later, when the terror caused by the executions had died down, some of the animals remembered—or thought they remembered—that the Sixth Commandment decreed “No animal shall kill any other animal.”...... Clover asked Benjamin to read her the Sixth Commandment, and when Benjamin, as usual, said that he refused to meddle in such matters, she fetched Muriel. Muriel read the Commandment for her. It ran: “No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.” Somehow or other, the last two words had slipped out of the animals’memory. But they saw now that the Commandment had not been violated; for clearly there was good reason for killing the traitors who had leagued themselves with Snowball.
You would often hear one hen remark to another, “Under the guidance of our Leader, Comrade Napoleon, I have laid five eggs in six days”; or two cows, enjoying a drink at the pool, would exclaim, “Thanks to the leadership of Comrade Napoleon, how excellent this
water tastes!”
The animals watched them, and a murmur of dismay went round.
Slowly they began to limp back towards the farm.
 They had thought the Fifth Commandment was“No animal shall drink alcohol,” but there were two words that they had forgotten. Actually the Commandment read:“No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.”
But Benjamin pushed her aside and in the midst of a deadly silence he read:
“‘Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.’ Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker's!”
It was a pig walking on his hind legs.
“Now, comrades, what is the nature of this life of ours?Let us face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old. No animal in England is free. The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth.“
所有old Major在呼吁起义时的悲惨现状在文末再次降临在动物们身上--加倍的劳动,更少的口粮,一旦无用就会被屠杀。


  “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTERS.”所有动物(ren)都是平等的,但有一些动物(ren)比其它动物(ren)更平等。就算是这条标语被赤裸裸地写在墙上时,没有动物反对,Squealer总能找到各式各样的借口来掩饰他们自己的贪欲。在Snowball被驱逐之后,书里的每句话都是辛辣的讽刺。动物们被欺骗,随后也骗自己,现在的日子毕竟比以前好多了,真得好多了吗?没有温饱还要日夜劳苦; 他们甚至开始怀疑自己的记忆,那些改过后的标语大概就是原来的意思吧。愚民着实可怕!不识字,不质疑,不思辨,不批判,再也没有比这更听话的群众了。

  《Animal Farm》读后感(八):动物皆平等,但有的动物高于平等。

spent 3d on and off finishing reading this book as my very first english novel.

as a fiction it explicitly tells a story of how the ruled got obscurant and brainwashed and how the history was sadly forgotten with time fleeting and how eventually the farm turned out to be a totalitarian so called republic.

and in the meantime all kinds nof animals were given different yet vivid personalities.

satire as it is drowns one in deep thoughts.

another angle to this fiction,beware that,when fighting monsters,you yourself do not become a monster,for when you gaze long into the abyss,the abyss gazes also into you.

  《Animal Farm》读后感(九):危机感

越长大才越发现,世间的对与错,是非黑白,并不是我们想象中的那么简单与直白。而事情的真相,我们往往并不能知道。所以才有了那么多阴谋论,那么多的人执着于揭秘政府的秘密。可是真真假假,往往就是一面之辞,我们又是否能真正看得到呢? 而这,正是这个世界最可怕的地方。我们没有办法分辨真相。

  《Animal Farm》读后感(十):Review for Animal Farm

The last book for 2015. Indeed this is a great book.
The book was written in 1944. I almost can't believe how similar its portrayal is to the next 30 years life in China: the interest conflicts inside the communist party, the crazy movement where people want to make more metals, the three-year starvation, the cultural revolution during which numerous people were humiliated or persecuted for being suspected traitors... All of this I can find shadow in the book.
It sometimes reads funny because we were taught with big ideas or socialism as well, and I couldn't help laughing at it, because the people who promoted the idea most actually are the ones that live exactly the opposite. So I always feel that I am very doubtful to the people who talk about big ideas, i always feel they are fake or actually the ones that's most cynical...maybe because I've seen too many this kind of people in China.
I feel very sad when reading one part of the book: when some animals were killed after their confessions of mis-behaviors, the remained animals, who actually participated the very first rebellion, went up to a knoll where they can view the complete of the farm they once fighted with their life; it was so not real for this is not what they were fighting for... Many educated scholars or war-time heroes were deeply criticized and humiliated and physically abused during 10-year cultural revolution, and many of them chose to suicide... They once chose to stay in China for their dreams or ideals, which turned out to be a ruthless joke....
Why does this happen? Where is the original dream? Will it be better if someone else is the leader? I don't know. Is human nature all like this dark? I don't know. I do feel that for the people like Donkey Benjamin who see human nature through and hold a high moral they won't go for a rebellion at the first place... Their political dreams will never come true even if they have one...It's sad...


