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《And Then There Were None》读后感10篇

2022-04-04 03:03:37 来源:文章吧 阅读:载入中…

《And Then There Were None》读后感10篇

  《And Then There Were None》是一本由Agatha Christie著作,Harper出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 6.99,页数:224,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(一):读完了,让大脑天马行空一会...


  接触犯罪悬疑小说(Crime story)以来,先知道的柯南•道尔和他笔下的福尔摩斯,其后是正太柯南。对大侦探波罗(Poirot)也有所耳闻,但不知道作者的名字。大学时才知道这个女皇级的人物叫:阿加莎•克里斯蒂。还是第一次接触阿婆的书,此前由她的小说改的电影倒是看了几部:《东方快车谋杀案》、《阳光下的罪恶》、《尼罗河上的惨案》,当然还有《无人生还》,俄版电影的名字叫《十个小黑人》。印象最深的还是《十个小黑人》,一个人晚上在家看的,正大剧场播出。当时还小,没有网络浮躁着这个世界。当时被故事情节完全吸引,感到丝丝恐怖。记得电影的气氛十分昏暗,我几乎把鼻子凑到了电视上,希望不错过任何一个细节。另一个深刻的印象就是,翻译和配音相当到位,连那首贯穿首尾的诗都翻得十分押韵。整部电影看完之后,总感觉落下了不少细节,总渴望能够再看一遍,而这一等就是将近十年的时间。




  1.那首诗贯穿始终,是整部小说的线索。孤岛上的十人每个人的死法和诗中的一个soldier boy 的死法类似,但除了藏身其中的凶手没有人知道谁会成为下一个死鬼,也不清楚和诗中的哪个死法对应。






  十个人中,我最喜欢Captain Lombard。他对于自己造成的非洲土著的死亡没有什么敷衍。承认自己的过去,但同时指出在那种情况下人的本能就是自保。得知凶手就在他们中间后,他始终保持一颗清醒的头脑和对状况的分析,同时对于其他人又有必要的信任,直到他怀疑的对象也被“杀死”。法官被“杀死”后,Lombard失声大笑,有点像歇斯底理的Vera。他当时的失态将其他人都震住了。支撑他的所有想法都在此刻崩塌,正如压死骆驼的最后一根稻草…

  当岛上死到只剩下Lombard和Vera时,Lombard对Vera还是百分百的信任,可惜Vera不信任他。抽空偷了他的枪将他呜呼掉。作品对很对其他人的面部描写不多,却多次提到了Lombard的狼式微笑(wolf smile)嘴向后咧,龇出牙齿。想来有些恐怖,但他却最理智,最男人…


  1.最快速:Marston车开得很快,死得也快。用现在的话说,Marston就是一帅呆的富二代。飙车撞死过两个小孩的他毫无悔过之心,并且委屈自己的驾照被吊销了好长时间。可怜在Soldier Island上,他连夜都没过就呜呼哀哉。看样子,阿婆也不待见得瑟的富二代,安排他第一个下地狱。Ten little soldier boys went out to dinner; One choked his little self and then there were Nine.

  2.最平凡:Mrs. Rogers只给我留下三点印象:她有心事,她菜做得不错,听到对他们过去的控诉后她感到很不安。安排她在睡梦中安静地死去,再合适不过!Nine little soldier boys sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were Eight.

  3.最超然:老将军Marcarthur很早就知道自己必将死在这座岛上。没有什么悔恨,只是他太爱自己的妻子。正如凶手所言:Marcarthur死得没什么痛苦。Eight little soldier boys travelling in Devon; One said he’d stay there and then there were Seven.

  4.最任劳,Mr. Rogers在岛上人心惶惶,寻求自保时,这爷们依然任劳任怨安排大家的日常起居,给大家做饭当下人。死的时候还在劈烧火的柴火,真是个好管家。Seven little soldier boys chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were Six.

  5. 最淡定,Emily Brent,这老太太自始至终都在织毛衣,并且对过去造成自己的仆人一尸两命毫无悔意。她坐在沙发上淡定地离开,也值了。Six little soldier boys playing with a hive; A bumble bee stung one and then there were Five.

  6.最阴险,从一开始Wargrave就仗着自己的法官身份主持了“案情分析”会,并巧妙的将大家的思路引向别处,从而混淆视听。当然,此时他只是假死。Five little soldier boys going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were Four


  7.最冤枉可怜,Dr. Armstrong从被Vera怀疑,我相信好多读者也觉得他的嫌疑最大。其实他没什么坏心眼,还积极的对别人进行救治。可惜自己一不小心成了凶手的棋子,被玩弄于掌骨。最后被掀下大海,着实可怜。Four little soldier boys going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were There.

  8.最有勇无谋,作为十人中唯一的警探Blore从一开始对案情的分析就不大靠谱,真不知道他是怎么混进警察队伍的。难怪后来分析案件的警察都觉得他不大干净。当只剩下3个人时,他也填了不少乱,一味担心Lombard兜里的左轮。被黑熊石像将头砸进身体,是不是太残酷了?Three little soldier boys walking in the Zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were Two.

  9.最爷们,Lombard不解释,纯爷们不需要太多解释。Two little soldier boys sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up and then there was One.

  10.最歇斯底里,Vera这疯婆子,除了年轻善感点,几乎经不起任何打击。看到Mr. Rogers的脑袋被劈成两瓣时更是发疯似的狂笑,幸亏Armstrong的大耳刮子将她拍醒。她把Lombard射杀之后,上吊自我解决应是她最好的归宿了。One little soldier boy left all alone; He went and hanged himself

  And then there were None!

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(二):Great but not perfect

  And Then There Were None:

  This is the second Agatha Christine's book I read. Before reading this one, I did a little research about it and knew it was one of the most famous ones of Agatha. Thus, I was quite looking forward to read the book.

  One. The Killing Process

  There were ten people who were enticed to go to an isolated island for different purposes. However, three people started to die mysteriously, one after another. More horrifically, those victims died in the ways of an old nursery rhyme. The rest of them gradually realized it was a fatal trap and the murder probably was among themselves.

  The process of people dying continually was fascinating and quite frightening. Every time when there was someone killed, I kept asking myself 'Who did it? And how could he/she did it so neatly and magically?' I thought this part was wonderful and perfect!

  Two. The Answers

  Finally, I came to the last chapter and was ready to reveal the answers. It turned out the murder was the judge and I didn't think about it at all. I was quite shocked. However, Agatha just explained the whole process in a so-called manuscript document and I thought she failed to explain everything in detail and logically at the end. To me, a lot of things didn't make sense, so I was quite disappointed about the ending.

  Three. The Idea

  The motivation of the murder was impressive. He wanted to be the judge to deal with the cases, in which murders committed were unable to be touched by law. And this is the reason why he had become a judge and designed all these crimes.

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(三):hard to solve cases, harder to know humans

  icked this book up at the end of the semester, I already knew I could only enjoy it late at night, after all those painstaking stuff. And it’s the time “late at night” that made this reading experience full of tension and horror.

  Ten people died one after another according to the order and the seemingly impossible manners indicated by the frank green poet. Similar to murder on the oriented express, the beginning part of this novel is a little bit boring till the death of Anthony Marston and the remaining “exchanged good-nights on the upper landing. Each of them went into his or her own room, and each of them automatically, almost without conscious thought, locked the door…” more excited than afraid. Agatha surely creates a horrible atmosphere which literally hooked me to the edge of my seat, unwillingly to move because of the cliffhanger; dare not to move because there is only myself in the dead darkness. Each time when there was a death, the readability grows up rocketly. While, each time after the tragedy, the ratiocinate and conjecture of the remaining, mainly lead by the judge was boring again, and at last, as it turns out, they were all useless and nonsense.

  The book surely gets turned up a notch for this last scene. The murderer also died at last and is one of them. It is difficult to arranging the whole novel in such a locked room mystery. To reframe the story, or other, to reframe 99% detective stories, bruising is unavoidable. One bruising brothering me from the first death is that they all knew the murderer was one of them and they might die one after another, then why did not stay together, especially when there were five or four or even less left. Another confusing bruising: It is quite clear that the china figures represented ten soldiers, that’s to say, the ten of them, like the poet indicated. Then why did not avoid those objects appearing in the poet, like sticks, the sea. It seemed they did not care much about the fatal poet. Then the third one as many readers point out, Mr Justice Wargrave played died and cheated the others, “they had carried Mr Justice Wargrave up to his room and laid him on the bed.” But, how hard it would be to feign death! Besides, the order of the deaths of the last three people and the suicide of Vera were farfetched? According to others, forgive my forgetting some plots.

  I agree that the biggest hit of this novel is the creation of the terrifying and haunting atmosphere, then the whole arrangement of a locked room mystery, and finally those “indifferent” details. Beyond that, one cannot ignore the human and moral elements in the novel. Ironically but reasonably, the murder was Justice Wargrave, and there is even a justice in his name. Sarcastically, the incarnation of justice was the murderer; reasonably, he executed those sinners untouchable by the law. Ten people stay away from justice, like they stay away from the mainland in the soldier island; they escape the law, but cannot escape the torment and the suffering in them. Even the heavenly island turned out to be a living hell, the story is about a trail of humanity.

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(四):我有一个疑问


  have a talk over old times 注意介词over和old times

  well-proportioned body 身材匀称

  Travelling by train is rather trying in this weather.注意trying用法

  Must be difficult to land here in dirty weather.dirty weather坏天气

  outh-easterly 东南向地adv

  In the wide hall drinks stood ready. 注意stand用法

  rock-cut steps 石头做的楼梯

  he shut the Bible. shut可以用于合上书本

  Rogers waited well. wait招待,如果wait后面出现well,一般表示招待。

  Mr.Davis was quite fluent on the subject.某人在某个方面有很多见解。

  He looked suddenly ten years older.他突然像老了十年。

  What a duty-loving law-abiding lot we all seem to be!原来我们都是遵纪守法的人啊!(这里是反话)

  move the stopper from the whiskey. stopper瓶盖

  They exchanged good-nights on the upper landing. exchange 互道晚安

  cross-examinations 交叉验证

  leep would not come to him. 睡不着

  Did she take things to make her sleep? take things的用法

  glycerine of cucumber for the hands 青瓜甘油手霜

  Let us start our breakfast. The eggs will be cold. 鸡蛋快冷了,快开动吧。

  Dr. Armstrong moved back his chair a little. 把椅子往后拉了一点。

  Impossible to say offhand. 也不能说是毫无理据的

  It's part and parcel of the whole bussiness. It's all bound up together.这些细枝末节,全是关联到一起的。

  To his left were Blore and Lambord. To his right was Wargrave.某某的左边是谁,右边是谁。

  Emily Brent gazed thoughtfully out to sea.她略有所思地望向大海。

  he was a loose girl with no morals.她是个放荡的女人。

  Two suicides within twelve hours is a little too much to swallow!12小时内有两个人自杀了,实在难以置信。

  lore was easily roped in. 他很快就被拉进去了。

  the cord of his eyeglasses 眼睛的细绳

  We are forewarned.早就警告过我们了。

  All I can say is, if you're the criminal, you're a damned fine actor and I take my hat off to you. 我只能说,如果你是一个演员的话,你也太出色了吧,我必须要向你鞠躬。

  I'm a domestic sort of man.我常做家务的。

  Four pairs of eyes fastened on him.4个人都盯着他。

  His ears reacted to the slightest sound.他的耳朵关注着任何微小的声音。

  Cyril often told stories. He was an untrueful child.他经常说谎,不是一个诚实的孩子。

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(五):其实没有想象中那样精彩


  书还不错 开始节奏慢有点无聊 到后来就气氛越来越紧张

  但是个人感觉书对人物刻画并不是特别的多 以至于看完都觉得每个人的性格特点神马的 并无多少印象 大概比较着重情节吧?

  也许是这原因 给了 bbc编剧大开脑洞的机会吧?

  给Emily Brent那么多恶毒的台词和讨厌的行为



  书里比剧里更完美的体现‘十个小兵仔’歌谣。比如最后几个小人中有一个是去动物园,被熊扑倒的。在书里,薇拉哭着说:we are the zoo, we are the zoo, last night, we were hardly human any more 解释了'动物园‘这一概念。 这句话印象非常深刻。

  最后,都说作家写的是自己心中的世界,那真是细思极恐了。阿加莎女士内心得有多阴暗啊...读完这本基本能想到 endless night的基调了..她大概是‘人性本恶’论的拥趸吧?吧?


  《And Then There Were None》读后感(六):Yes, and then there were none.

  It is said that a wealthy person called Mr. Owen bought that Soldier Island, oh no maybe its owner is actually that Holleywood film star? Anyway, Soldier Island is a fantastic place!

  And a low voice came from the deepest spot from Soldier Island:

  Yes, I wanted to kill! I must commit a murder! And it must be a fantastical crime!

  Ah, I see some people are coming, they are the ones of being choosen, and they will get their immortality soon.

  Listen, do you hear the rhythm there? So charming and beautiful, which brings peace and harmony, right here, right on this Soldier Island.

  Ten little Soldier Boys went out to dine;

  One choked his little self and then there were nine.

  ine little Soldier Boys sat up very late;

  One overslept himself and then there were eight.

  Eight little Soldier Boys travelling in Devon;

  One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.

  even little Soldier Boys chopping up sticks;

  One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.

  ix little Soldier Boys playing with a hive;

  A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

  Five little Soldier Boys going in for law;

  One got in Chancery and then there were four.

  Four little Soldier Boys going out to sea;

  A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

  Three little Soldier Boys walking in the zoo;

  A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

  Two little Soldier Boys sitting in the sun;

  One got frizzled up and then there was one.

  One little Soldier Boy left all alone;

  He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.

  Yes, and then there were none.

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(七):无题

  啃完的第二本原著,也是头一本凭借对内容单纯的兴趣而非学习英文目的而短期内读完的书。因为小说涉及的人物众多,所以开头对于所有人物的背景介绍实在是显得有些无聊,一大堆扑面而来的人名也让我有些招架不住,所幸随着情节的发展,人物各种聚集在一起的推理对白让一个个名字越来越清晰地印在脑海。这本书属于典型的越看越精彩越吸引人的,随着客人一个个逝去我竟然越来越兴奋(我大概内心深处也住着一个变态 略略略~),好奇着下个人的死法,这种无法描述的感觉。。。。。。从开头就觉得里头法官的设定莫名奇怪,每次主张这个人主张那个人,还要各位小心,真没猜到一次次伸出小黑爪的居然是他!!!!真的是个十足的变态!!!原来案子审理多了,分析罪犯的心理多了,也会有亲自实施的念头。。。。一干还是这么大的一票,虽然干掉的都是有些罪孽的人,但这种方式也是好极端。总之这是一本让人读完后影响深刻的不能再深刻的书,看着相当过瘾,尤其是真相大白的时候。力荐!!!

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(八):Book Report

  I think the book is so enchanting. Not only have I read the book, but I’ve also watched the TV series.

  I love the story so much mainly because it tells us that God's mill grinds slowly but surely as well as the deepest core of human nature.

  The ten people involved were all guilty. Some of them were pricked by their conscience while the others didn't realize their sins at all. They were invited by a mysterious person signed as U.N.O, eventually gathering in the wasted island.The nursery rhyme, Ten Little Indian Boys, just predicted their terrible death. It seems that baddies have all received their deserved punishment. How-ever, I think we should ponder over something further.

  Agatha Christie has provoked me into thinking that justice has long arms. Whether the ten characteristics had a guilty conscience or not, even if they escaped the punishment by law, there must be someone enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven. As the film Lord of War puts it, there is something above you. No matter when you think about something evil, you should be aware of a truth that evil will be rewarded with evil. Only when people realize the fact that no one can afford totake chances can they conquer the dark side of human nature. Otherwise, just as the name of the book, there is no one being able to escape the punishment of law.

  Meanwhile, I find that Agatha may believe that people are basically evil. Take the female teacher, Vera Claythorne, for example, she deliberately gave up saving the little boy Cyril just in order to fulfill her own love. How could a well-educated young lady unfeelingly see a little boy dying? Although she kept sorry and tortured, it can't change anything. In addition, another respectable lady, Miss Emily Brent, abandoned her pregnant maidservant without mercy, leading to the poor girl's suicide. But Miss Brent were not regretful at all. I was quite surprised that a young girl was driven to death only because she was pregnant before getting married. Although she had violated the social ethics, it can't be the excuse of being abandoned.

  esides, Agatha Christie is also an excellent writer. The whole story revolves around a nursery rhyme. It is one of the most classic detective novels that use alarming murder. The whole story took place in a deserted island, which adds a sense of mystery to the novel. A few people in an isolated island and a grim nursery rhyme both create a fearful atmosphere. When a ghostly murder happened among them, they joined hands temporarily with someone they temporarily trusted, but began to wonder who was the murderer and mistrusted everyone surrounded at the same time. Such mutual mistrust not only weakened their physical energy, but also made their nerves tight as well, which triggered the dark side of human nature. Think about that even Vera could killed Lombard who was a much stronger man than her, what was not impossible under this situation? This psychological pressure is undoubtedly the most attractive part of the story.

  As a result, there is tension in my heart as I reading the book. I have kept thinking that who is the real murderer; is it really all be schemed by God; is there another person existing in the island and questions like this. I was attracted to read ahead, deeply rapt in the plot.

  Finally, I find the Bible that Miss Brent read showing the theme of the story: "the strangers were stuck in there own pits, and their feet were entangled in their own snares. The Lord has manifested himself. He has tried. The wicked are entangled in their own hands. The wicked are the Gentiles who have forgotten God."

  《And Then There Were None》读后感(九):第一部作品,剧透。


  Totally beyond my expectation. When I was watching the first episode of the BBC TV series while on the meantime finish reading 1/3 of the fiction, someone sent a bullet comment saying that the judge is the murderer. So I continued to read the book with this idea and was really surprised that the judge was the fifth person dead. And I just kept reading for about 2.5 hours and has just finished the whole book. Yes the judge was the real murderer and it was he who plotted a false death. Finally he confessed by writing a explanation for the whole process of the crime. The motion was the desire of act, he simply described it as a kind of creative art. And I just cannot stop feeling a sense of shivering due Toni's cold and cruel words. As a judge he had the opportunity to play the role of God in human world, I just wonder it is the power of right that corrodes the integrity lies in the body of human beings or a devil spirit just lives in that? Are we supposed to be a good man or a devil doing things at our own wills?


